Friday, September 11, 2015

Travesty in Kentucky

Contrary to the current media circus, County Clerk Kim Davis's refusal to issue a wedding license is not a matter of principle nor religious freedom. It is a well publicized example of abandonment of an oath of office and malfeasance of a public official. 
Her county government nor her office have 1st Amendment rights. The people of her county do. The correct behavior by a county clerk anywhere my country, when faced with being compelled by law to act in a manner contrary to her personal conscience, and if unwilling to comply, is to resign the office.  Period. 

Upon relinquishing the burden of office, Davis would be no longer under the duty of her oath and position, and could echo to the media hills the reason for her resignation. Of course, the correct, honorable and traditional path would not continue her 15 minutes of fame, launching her onto the GOP stage, at least as an extra.

Any elected public official, or aspirant to that status, who does not agree with the above, is unworthy of public office, and nothing more than an opportunistic panderer and lickspittle.

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