Tuesday, September 3, 2013

With apologies re the name to those North and South of my country's borders...

Is this the current dominant schema in the U.S.A.?

A disambiguation of hunting terms

Terms for “hunting”

 In the spirit of George Orwell’s essay, Politics and the English Language, I am proposing the following disambiguation of “hunting/hunter” when describing a human behavior set, for the 21st century.
Pursuing any non-domesticated living organism with the intention of killing it for eating, necessitated by poverty. (Hunter: one who hunts)
Recreational Killing:
Pursuing any non-domesticated living organism, other than another human, with the intention of killing it for any reason other than eating it, necessitated by poverty. (Recreational killer: one who recreationally kills).
The use of the “sport/sportsman” words re these behaviors.
Using these terms in re and hunting or recreational killing behaviors does not make any sense. “Sport” is a physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. This makes sport a subset of the class “game”. In a game, all sides know it is a game. Prey does not know it is a game, and for prey, it is definitely not a game.
But perhaps if any usage comes close to fitting, it might be:
Hunting or recreational killing using no projectile weapons, traps, baits. Using only ones body parts and hand held non-projectile objects.